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Tip 1. Relax the body.  The first important thing is to relax your body, you will not be able to relax your mind if you don’t first relax your body. It’s best to meditate in a comfortable chair, with your legs crossed, on the floor or lying in bed with your arms by your side. Whatever position you decide to meditate in ensure your back is straight and you can easily relax your shoulders. Always remember, mediation isn’t about relaxation of the body it’s about mindfulness, close your eyes, relax your body, and begin to breathe.    Tip 2. Stabilise...

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happiness, health, self help, spirituality, yoga -

If you have been stuck in isolation, and can't go to your local gym to work out, maybe it's time for you to give yoga a try. Well, what better way to start yoga than in the comfort of your own home with objects you already have around the house?  Assisted Plank: This pose is targeted at those people who don't have their own yoga mat, but still want to get a good abdominal workout in. Above, you can see the instructor placing her hands on what could be your couch, tabletop, kitchen bench, or something similar that is stationary. Slowly...

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COVID-19, happiness, health, self help, spirituality, yoga -

While you are caught up in isolation and gyms are closed, it's important to remember that physical activity still needs to be done to remain healthy. One of the best and easiest ways to stay fit and healthy is yoga, so here's five great yoga poses that target the abdominal region and keep away all those extra treats you've been eating while in isolation.  Forearm plank  Begin in a kneeling position. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and pitch forward to place your hands and forearms on the floor. Extend your legs behind you with toes tucked under to press...

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COVID-19, happiness, health, self help, spirituality, yoga -

3 things that will be important for any hippy to stay happy during these strange times. We all need to look after ourselves mentally, spiritually and physically read this article for advice on how.

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